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Work Experience

Graduate Research Assistant

University of South Florida | Health IT | August 2020 | Tampa,FL

  • Health IT impact on Patient, Health Providers and Health Service Providers using Python.

Research Project 

USF College of Nursing | HerBit | July 2020- Current | Tampa,FL

  • Home Based Women Cardiac Rehabilitation Center to reduce cost of healthcare by 75%

  • Contributing in Maintaining and creating Web Dashboards using AngularJS 

Data Analyst Intern, Business Education Intelligence

AACSB International | Multiple Projects | Jan 2020 | Tampa, FL

  • Automated and Optimized Data Processes using R, including data web scraping and algorithms for data engineering.

  • Scraped Data from 1000+ websites using R(rvest) and preprocessed and cleaned around 400,000 rows.

  •  Created Queries, Developed Dashboards using PowerBI and automated reports using  R(ggplot) for 150 Institutions.

  • Assisted in Creation of Databases and data models for Data Guide

  • Deployed Machine Learning Models like Clustering and Association Rule on Rshiny app for Business Intelligence.

  •  Automated Data Integrity rules using R validate to enhance data validation for a survey application to 100%.

Customer Representative | Student  Chef Worker

Aramark  | August 2019 | Part time | Tampa,FL

  • Managed Customer Order and Request Delivery, including cashier

  • Trained and Cooked on American- Chinese recipes out of interest

Programmer Analyst (Data Engineering)

Wow Communications | October 2017- October 2018 | Indore, India

  • Developed Software Solutions by studying client inferential needs following Agile methodology for a concert ticketing application based on Canada

  • Designed Database Systems and assisted development with creation of queries and query performance tuning.

  • Streamlined Real Time ETL Processes using Kafka to reduce seat selection conflict and increasing processing by 50%

  • Utilized AWS Services like EC2 

  • Analyzed KPI for key business decisions using Tableau​​​

Business Development Executive

Family Business | Indore, India

  • Analyzed Business Decisions using Technology and determining KPI using Excel Analytics

Big Data Trainee Intern

Ypsilon Solutions| Universal Informatics |  August 2016| Indore, India

  • Trained on Big Data Framework Hadoop Ecosystems. Perticularly, Unix Commands Map Reduce, Advanced Map Reduce, Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Flume.

  • Implemented a live project for sentiment analysis

  • Developed Map Reduction Algorithm using java.

  • Developed Apache Pig scripts

  • Extracted data using Apache Flume

  • Migrated data to NoSQL databases using Sqoop for low-level analysis and ETL

Making my Career big with a blend of exciting experiences. 

Professional with Software Development experience, including Database maintenance, Database Development, Extract Transform and Load of the Data and Deployment.  


Machine Learning and Deep learning expertise writing production grade code along with data analysis to optimize and automate Business Processes

About Me

Special Skills



  • Python(numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, tensorflow, seaborn, beautiful soup)


  • R(rvest, tidyverse, dplyr, plumberAPI, rmarkdown, rshiny)


  • SQL

  • Tableau, PowerBI


SKILLS I HAVE USED (Order of recent use)


  • Apache Kafka, Zookeeper

  • Java

  • html,css, javascript

  • C#

  • ASP.NET,

  • Hadoop (Map Reduce, Pig, Hive, sqoop, flume)

  • Excel



  • Cloud : AWS

  • Big Data : Spark, pyspark

  • AngularJS



IInferential Statistics


Financial Accounting


Enterprise Information Systems


Analytical Methods for Business


Data Mining


Data Science Programming


Statistical Data Mining


Advanced System Analysis and Design


Data Visualization


Distributed information Systems


Data Warehousing



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